Please take our Partner Assessments and get insights on Microsoft campaigns

You will be able to compare your readiness to accelerate with Azure and Modern Work with the score of more than 400 European Microsoft partners. Analyzing your readiness will be key in order to find relevant gaps and to tackle them.  

Microsoft Azure

Partner Readiness Assessment


Addressing the transformation to Cloud Computing is now a priority for all companies. Are we ready?

Please assess the readiness of your company and compare it with the average score of other European IT operators with this anonymous Assessment. Do not hesitate to contact us for further clarifications and…  have a nice Assessment!

Go to Azure Assessment

Microsoft Modern Work & Security

Partner Readiness Assessment

The rapid adoption of hybrid work will increase the demand for Microsoft365 as the cornerstone of the Modern Work environment.  This represents an opportunity for partners to grow their business with value-added services. Are we ready?

Please take this anonymous Assessment and compare your results with the average score of other European IT operators…! 

Go to Modern Work Assessment

SureStep Ambassadors’

Readiness Assessment


Addressing the transformation to Cloud Computing is now a priority for all companies. Are we ready?

Please assess the readiness of your company and compare it with the average score of other European IT operators with this anonymous Assessment. Do not hesitate to contact us for further clarifications and…  have a nice Assessment!

Go to SureStep Ambassadors’ Assessment